Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Millennium Development Goals

Madurai was host to a symposium on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) recently. The Initiative had to come in from a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) working in the Field of Development, though this is very much the responsibility of the Government Establishment.

In the year 2000, the World Nations including India have jointly adopted Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) – A set of time bend and quantified Targets for Social Development to be achieved by 2015. The MDGs comprised of the following goals;
1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
3. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
4. Reduce Child Mortality
5. Improve Maternal Health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases
7. Ensure Environmental Sustainability
8. Develop a Global Partnership for Development.

The talk of development is ironically attributed as the ‘Business of the NGOs’, since it is perceived that the Government has other serious business to take care off. One would wonder as to what the serious business amounts to? Even the Madurai Symposium had its share of abject neglect by the Government Authorities, as the Important Government officials listed to participate in this program were not present on the occasion, deputing someone else to represent them.

Social Development is a much clichéd word today in public domain, that Everyone speaks of Social Development in whatever forum that they manage to get hold off, but actual impact of the work that they have done is yet to see the light of the day, except for few committed and Dedicated Individuals and NGOs.

As a Social Work Professional engaged in the Field of Developmental Administration, I should be honest to say that I am anxious to see the concept of ‘Social Development’ become a ‘People’s Movement’, so that it could percolate right down to the bottom ends of the community life where the issues that are listed under the MDGs come in play at various levels. The message that this is something all people should be involved in, particularly the Youth Population, so that the results are far more progressive, vibrant and quantifiable.

Unless this happens, we have to accept the fact that there is truth in the statement that we often hear from various quarters ‘Indians are Individually Rich’….and ‘Socially Very Poor’!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Food Joint in Madurai

A well known place for ‘Traditional Home Made Food Delicacies’ is probably one of the Tags that the ancient City of Madurai has to its credit.
Any visitor to the city would most certainly be paraded along many such places where good quality food is available. The highlight of these places is that food items are made by people who have earned a reputation for themselves as being best in the business. The City never goes to sleep, with many such food joints kept open late into the night to cater to their regular stream of loyal customers, who throng the places to have their platter full.
One such food joint is ‘Bharma Ediyaappa Shop’ on the South Veli Street bang opposite to the Mission Hospital, where you get hot steaming a food item made out of rice which is steamed. This is one such joint where the Rich and the Poor stand in equal terms to buy and eat the same. Though the same Ediyappam is sold almost in all hotels and food places in and around the city, the ever constant demand by the people of Madurai to have it from this shop is to be seen to be believed. They work in such a professional manner that they could deliver the same quality day after day, week after week and so on for so many years.
This small shop has really made giant progress to reach the hearts of the people of Madurai not only through the stomach, but also by not making the pockets drained with the cost.
Their mantra is Low Cost and High Quality…..to the people with Loyalty!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Teachers Day

India as a Nation is Celebrating the Teacher’s Day, today on 5th September 2009. The day is celebrated to commemorate the Birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was started his career as a Teacher and ended up being the President of India itself.
It is a day on which the Teachers are Greeted by the Students and appreciated by their managements, for their selfless role in educating the Students at Schools and Colleges. There is no denying fact that the Teachers are important catalyst to Educational, Scientific, Economic, Social and Cultural Development of the Society. They are involved in a process of ‘Moulding Minds’ right from a Tender age itself and late on go on to be Mentors for their students.
The Society has to be more generous in taking up opportunities to recognize the role of the Teachers. The Government Teachers are well paid, The Lecturers are heavily paid, it is only that the Teachers in the Private Un - aided Schools and Private Colleges that are exploited with paltry salary. The workload and working conditions are also matters of concern.
India, they say is a Land of Complexities…………is this reason for the Teachers and the Teaching Community to live in a highly Complex and Competitive World?.

A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.’ - Author Unknown

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Flowers & Life

The Life of a Flower which stands out as a Natural process of Beauty seem to throw light on some basic values that can also be applied to human lives as well.
As we all know, Flowers are a Gift of Nature………some may have a fragrance and some may not have. Yet, all the Flowers are colourful.
The Blossoming of a Flower from a tiny bud to whatever size they finally grow, is a divine sight to behold. The very many colours with which the Flowers are identified in it petals and the leaves are the outcome of a natural process created by God himself. All ‘Natural’ things go on to become ‘Beautiful’.
A Flower may just live for a day in a Plant or a Tree, but the Colours with which they live seem to have a lasting impact on us. It is important for all of us, human beings to remember in order to become beautiful people, we need to be natural. Natural to our own Self and to our Environment……. Natural in our Thoughts and deeds!
The Life of a Flower and the Lesson that it could propagate to Mankind is that, it is not so important to add ‘Years to our Life’, But we all should earnestly try to work to add ‘Life to our Years’.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Human Development In India

The average Indian Citizen would be aware of many listings, like the Stock Market Listings; New Release of Films Listing, Cricket One Day / Test Listings, Favourite TV Program Listings etc.

Honestly, if any one is asked about the Human Development Index of our Nation. The Instant reply would be ' Who Cares for Such a Listing?'

India is growing to be a Super Power.....No Doubt. But it is also languishing with a 'Super Poverty Syndrome', with a considerable percentage of our people starving for Food, lacking Basic Social Living Conditions.

The Photo featured here was taken by me at the Taluk Office in Tiruchirappalli, where a poor man lives on the street and sleeps on the road. Ironically, this is a place where the Government Officials and the Public are seen to be moving heavily during the day. No one can escape by saying a reason that this scene has never caught their attention.

Having stated this Startling Fact, now probably common people would agree that ....Yes! Some people in our Country are starving even for a Meal for many days at a stretch. But what can I do about it? I have my life to care for....who cares for someone who is living without food. If I waste my time thinking about the Hungry People in India, then a day will come when I will be forced to starve like them.

Friends, The Passing the Buck Game will continue to be played for many more years to come. Yet, the Human Development Index in India will remain to be very bad.

I wonder what impact the Millennium Development Goals would look like if this is going to be the state of affairs in our Over Populous Conuntry.

Mera Bharat Mahan !!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

UN PUBLISHED LETTERS [Socially Conscious Initiative ]

Un - Published Letters - A Socially Conscious Initiative

Dear Friends,

As a Freelace Writer, I have published so many articles of Social Concern in The Hindu and the New Indian Express . This is a 'Socially Conscious Initiative' that I have been into right from my college days dating back to the year 1985 onwards, which continues even now and shall continue to be for many more years to come.

However, some of the letters that I have sent to them for publicatuion have not been publiched. Yet, as a writer and a Professional engaged in Social Development Process, I do feel that they can be shared to many more persons who would be interested to read through it.

So, My Dear Friends you now have a New Post on my 'Un -Published Letters', but now I can have the satisfaction that though its not been published the mainstream press, its been published in this Blog for a much wider audience.....who might be socially conscious as well.

Your Valuable Comments............Shall be highly appreciated and instantly acknowledged.

Thanks and Regards

Nicholas Francis


Public Perception of Governance:
The governance by the governments of many states in India including Tamilnadu has been a hot topic of public debate. An objective appraisal of the government’s performance vis a vis the policies, programs and implementation of the same by any learned person will have a big tale to tell, sometimes a fancy tale and on many other occasions a comic tale. What has to be seen here is the underlying factor of public perception.
It is a public ire to witness that successive governments often attempts to undo any work carried out by the pervious government’s and have a agenda of their own, they even refuse to support any project’s continuity which is required to be done .Its common to find huge projects with hefty investments being put to the dock, many projects are dumped to the garbage, new projects (which have an hidden agenda to benefit a particular section / area / community) spring up, commonly adhered norms and protocols are made redundant by obstinate fresh ones which bear allegiance to subjective considerations. The wide spectrum of developmental work and governance is completely given a new face with the change of the government. Is this not a phenomenon that needs to be explained?
It is true that a government has been formed by a political party with the mandate of the people. The persons elected to govern have their own set of pre - conceived ideas and carry out the work through their Ministers nominated by them (Ministers – persons with varied educational back ground, sometimes even without it!). The other important contributors to governance are Bureaucrats. The role of bureaucrats is very vital for effective governance. The chemistry of relationship between the Ministers and the Bureaucrats often determine what sort of governance people have in their state/region.
The common man have many expectations form the government, he seeks improved living conditions, fulfillment of basic amenities in his region, a fair price for his labour, reasonably good health care at affordable cost, better services form public institutions and so on. The government has the primary responsibility to be an objective public administrator to render its services to the people in a way that the overall quality of life of its people improves on a wide spectrum of public life.

- Nicholas Francis

Social Work Education in Distance Education Mode:
The Demonstration condemning the proposed move to offer Social Work Degree through Correspondence is welcome step, as it was adequately brought out in the Columns of The New Indian Express by Tharian Mathew.
The proposal has not only drawn criticism from among the academic quarters but also has cast serious apprehensions among the practicing Social Workers for the shortsightedness. This is more than enough an example to adequately demonstrate the bare fact, that the higher education system in India has been caught in a deep trap of commercialization making, education redundant without values.
It is abysmally worrisome to note that the educational administrators do not realize that education should lay a strong foundation in a person’s career and promote any given profession, so that the individual and the society benefits at large. For a course like Social Work, which is predominantly practical oriented, where the students will have to perform certain field tasks with under a Faculty’s supervision to be thought of it being offered through distance education mode is atrocious and not warranted at any stage.
Social Work course has ushered a new era in the field of higher education for the content, curriculum and process. The students Graduating from Social Work discipline perfectly fitted into the various avenues that the social institutions demanded off them. Many hospitals have now a Medical Social Worker, who are playing an integral part in the world of medicine and healing including specialty areas like psychiatry and rehabilitative medicine, Industrial settings have an exclusive person to man the personnel, welfare and extension departments. The community organizations, which are today indispensable to the Nation’s development have a qualified person in their setting to lead and guide their organizations, many more are involved in numerous vocations that are unique and which calls for specialized education from established institutions. All this could not have been possible if Social Work course did not have an exclusive format of skill oriented developmental process of field based education, something which cannot be obtained through stimulated situations as it is proposed today.
The people objecting to this move have rightly initiated strong measures in this regard with the proposed State Conference and also calling for a monitoring body, as Social Work institutions have to be regulated. The Government of India has made it mandatory for rehabilitative professionals to be registered with the Rehabilitation Council of India, for them to undertake an employment in any rehabilitation institution that extends service programs for the Persons with Disabilities. The Social Work course was conceived as a Professional Course and was being offered by reputed institutions in India. The situation has taken a wrong direction, with more and more colleges mushrooming day by day and it is true that the academic standards have been diluted to fill - in the coffers of the managements, something which the colleges have to take the blame for it.
It’s high time that the educational administrators rethink the pattern of implementing higher education in India, so that our Universities do not merely produce graduates without the required skill and expertise, for they will languish in the everlasting list of unemployed graduates in our Country.

-Nicholas Francis

Rights of the Disabled Persons:
The Editorial “Strengthening the rights of the disabled”, The Hindu dated 27th June 2005, has rightly given a clarion call to summon political and social will to create a barrier free environment and de-stigmatize the aspects related to disability in India, thereby providing an equitable living condition that is dignified and which guarantees greater social integration of the Persons with Disabilities into the main stream of social life.
The Data produced by the National Sample Survey is indeed alarming for a nation of a size like ours. To believe that the 21.9 million Disabled Persons have access to rehabilitative services and welfare measures in our country, given the complexities of geographical and institutional set- up, will be far from truth. Though Government’s huge financial and physical resources, the Technology and Systems put in place by the various National Bodies, coupled with the Non-Governmental Organization’s charitable and voluntary effort have been a formidable partnership in service delivery towards the cause of the Disabled Persons, but the stark truth is that the concerns of the Disabled Persons have not yet reached the wide spectrum of the society yet, as it ought to be in accordance with the dynamically growing society day by day.
Many question are raised as to where does our country stand in terms of providing a services to the Disabled Persons? Are all over Government, Public and Private Buildings Disabled friendly? Are the rights of a Disabled persons being denied in the fields of Education, Medical Services, Recreational Facilities, Professional and Employment opportunities, Marriage and Social Integration and being a stakeholder in contributing to the welfare of the Country etc?. The answer to all such questions depends on various factors. It would be appropriate if we look much deeper into the fact whether ‘The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995’, is being implemented with full spirit.
It would not be out of place to mention here that there needs to be a great synchronization of various Departments and Ministries of the Central and State Governments, to facilitate a better process of program interpretation and implementation. Many a times we find huge gaps between certain important policies and the actual implementation of it. The linkage of Disability with the General Health System, particularly in rural areas, where the Magnitude of Disability is more acute, will make facilities available at the community level. Greater convergence and networking among the Non-Governmental Organizations will take rehabilitative and welfare programs to the disabled persons in a more efficient and systematic manner. The Public facilities and Buildings have to be a disabled friendly to accommodate the social needs of the Persons with Disabilities.
Apart from all this, a fundamental aspect will have to be taken up in a holistic manner, which is to sensitize all sections of our society about the special needs and special abilities of the Persons with Disabilities. Already Madhya Pradesh has taken a lead in becoming the first state in our country to incorporate a ‘Chapter on Disability in all School Text Books’ in all government schools, many more states encompassing all schools, colleges and universities should follow suit making students sensitized about a factual situation of co-existing with Persons with Disabilities, a reality that cannot be ignored.
Finally, in addition to the Political and Social will, we require a high degree of ‘Moral will’ to make Persons with Disabilities live a meaningful life, in a positive and promotive situation where they are not sympathized for but also empathized with. Every individual can make a valuable difference, since Disability is not Untouchability!

- Nicholas Francis

Falling Heritage:
The write up about the ‘Woes of Golden Rock Railway Colony’, in The Hindu (Dec 29) Trichy Edition was very appropriate and well timed. The Railway colony is a legacy by itself, as it adequately portrays the foresight of the Britishers in Town Planning. It seems that the Good old days are gone with the wind, and what remains today is a soulless skeleton that presents a ghastly picture to the public and a disgrace to the very railway establishment.
The Railway Colony has had a special pride in the past, the entire area was a model by itself to many a developed areas, especially the roads, the vegetation, the civic planning, and the lay out comprising residential areas for all categories of personnel working in the railways from the rank of an Officer to that of a Khalasi, Schools, Railway Institute, Parks, Community Halls, Commercial areas & Shandi’s and places of worship. Even today many a developed place or a township cannot boast of having a better underground drainage and sewage system to that of the Railway Colony, something that the Britishers perfected decades ago.
Having lived well for over 20 years in the Railway colony, I was deeply moved to witness the rot that has set in the erstwhile sprawling campus. The place was all engulfed with waste/ garbage/rubbish, litters and dirt strewn across the residential places causing serious health hazards. The parks are a painful sight any more, with many a tree thrown to the ravaging termites. Most of the prime roads in the entire colony are surrounded by wild bushes, especially the area opposite to the Railway Hospital along the Workshop Road leading to South-D. What seemed as a protected area before is now open to hazards. The neglect in maintaining the roads, public places like the Institute, Hospital and The Railway Schools is there for all to see in plain eyes.
It’s pathetic that the Colony which has nurtured civilization in Tiruchy has to wait for a Railway Minister to come to get a fresh dressing, that to the road along which the Minister had traveled. The irony is that each colony has a committee to take care of its issues which affect the public or warrant such an initiative. Moreover The Railway Establishment will certainly have a welfare officer to look into the maintenance of its premises. What are they up to? Why is that they are turning a Nelson’s Eye to their duty? Its time they woke up from their slumber or else let the Corporation officials do their duty and save the grace of the falling heritage of Tiruchy!

- Nicholas Francis

Care for Them as Human Beings:
Kudos to Ms AR.Meyyammi, for throwing light on the darker side of the Government Vigilance Home at Madurai ‘A Snake pit called Government Vigilance Home’ (TNIE 3rd Feb 05).It is very painful to know that a place which is supposed to house the Women Convicts and under trials for a reformative phase is meting out more cruel punishment than what they deserve.
The plight of the poor hapless women who inadvertently have fallen into crime, many a times have been lured into it, have to bear the brunt of mindless Government Staff who are indifferent to the whole concept of the Vigilance Homes. The iron curtains that shield the ruthless staff may not be strong enough to prevent the facts from seeing the light of the day, as it did appear in the Columns of The New Indian Express. In an era of increased Human Rights Activism, the exposition of the unholy in - human treatment handed out to the inmates of the Vigilance Homes must be condemned by all.
The Vigilance Homes are supposed to wipe away the scars of Social Labeling such as Commercial Sex Workers, Cheats etc, heal the wounds, nurture the minds with positive aspects and instill confidence among the Convicts, that they will be able to overcome their bad phase of life and be directed towards a more moral and progressive life in the society.
The main purpose to have this Vigilance Homes is that the Convicts or under trials will have the opportunity to be under watchful eyes of the Wardens, who will attempt to individually restore their torn life. The Counseling, Recreational and Skill Development Programs that are supposed to be a part of the Vigilance Homes are a testimony to this fact. Moreover Trained Social Workers visit the Homes to carry out professional Case Work and Group Work along with required psycho social reinforced counseling, which will enable the inmates to ventilate their pent up feelings and emotions. The mandatory health care is vital, as many among them must be carrying sexually transmitted diseases.
To imagine Vigilance home without all these aspects is shameful, as it defeats the very purpose of establishing such homes with a huge cost to the exchequer. The irony is that the entire place is completely a changed place when a person of prominence or close to the powerful lobby is lodged as an inmate. The sorry state of affairs of the Vigilance Home appears to perpetuate the fact that always poor Women in distress are subjected to more sufferings. It may also be worth here to mention that the news report may just be the tip of the iceberg, and more grueling bad stories must be hidden within the precincts of the Government Vigilance Home.
It’s high time that authorities concerned carry out immediate sensitization measures to re-orient the Wardens to make life easy for the inmates and care for them as human beings. There is no fault in the system but the fault rests with those who are involved in its functioning. The transition stay at the Vigilance Homes must not transform the inmates negatively as notorious and violent criminals, who in turn will infect the society with immoral activities purely on a retaliation and revengeful mindset for the in-human treatment undergone at the Vigilance Homes.

- Nicholas Francis

Public Health:
Your Editorial on 4th April ‘A foundation for public health’, has rightly pointed out that prioritization of delivery and implementation are important in the Public Health Domain. This is significantly an aspect which successive Governments have failed to do despite many recommendations and policies.
‘No Individual should lack access to medical care because of inability to pay for it’, ‘The Health Care Services should be as close to the people as possible in order to ensure that maximum benefits to the community served’ and ‘15% of the Government Expenditure should be on Health’, were some of the recommendations made by the Bhore Committee in 1946. How far has this been achieved is the question today?.
A World Bank Study mentions that Hospitalized Indians spend more than 58% of their total annual expenditure on health care. Atleast one quarter of the hospitalized Indians fall below poverty line as they borrow money or sell the assets to cover their health care expenses. There can never be a better picture as the Government of India allocates only around 1% of the GDP for heath sector, making the burden of Health Care heavier for the common man, the poor, the marginalized and the un -organized labourers.
It’s very ironical that the Government is now talking of establishing Public Health Foundation at a cost of 500 to 700 crore with the aim to create world class Indian Institutes for promoting health care manpower, establishing standards and creating a think tank for advising the Government on policy decisions. What has happened to the innumerous recommendations and policies suggested by various committees? Even many of the recommendations and policies of the National Health Policy 1983 are kept in the cold storage. The bottom line is deep structural changes are to be made to get Public Health concept delver the services through a ‘People Centered’ than ‘Institutional Centered ’approach by integrating health services with wider economic and social development.
The need of the hour is to build public confidence in the health care system of the Country. The appalling operational conditions of the Government Health Care Institutions have to be improved from the consumer’s point of view. The Material, Men and Money involved in the Public Health sector will have to be accountable to public service delivery system by evolving a facilitating work culture that brings more deserving people towards it rather than ever increasing the aversion towards the same. Let the Government Machinery wake up to the reality and take steps to make meaningful health care facilities available at the Primary and Tertiary level by ensuring that the rustic medical equipments work, and the availability of Full Time Medical manpower at the various facilities at the PHC,’s and Taluk Hospitals, where the service demand can be crucial to people rather than creating Five Star Hospitals in cities.
A Bond of trust has to be created by the Government Hospitals in the local community, which should have the flexibility of making its service delivery tuned to the specific needs and need not stick on to the National Perspective. In this connection the ‘Indore Experiment ‘ of Participatory Management in Hospital Administration can be a welcome step to make the services more people friendly and enabling. The ‘Madurai Health Foundation’ is also another classic example of making the existing Government Institutions render value based services, than the creation of more institutions that do not work.

- Nicholas Francis

Monday, August 10, 2009

Nothing Obsolete

Nothing Obsolete:
Just a question to think about?
What do we at our homes do with outdated or old fashioned articles at home?

We may discard that as ‘waste’ and throw it away, or some of us would like to get it sold as Scrap to make a few quick bucks.

Ever wondered if such articles that we term and waste and do away with either to make some money or to make some space at our homes, could be sold as a ‘Product’ in a Market ? Then one must pay a visit to the ‘Sunday Market’ in Madurai, which is located in the heart of the city near the Madura Coats over bride, for a look that will certainly catch you by surprise.

Yes! What is called as ‘ Naiytru Kilamai Sandhai’ in Tamil, which means as ‘Sunday Market’ in English is a place, where you could get all that you want. You name any item and you would get that inside this place, where traders are open on all days to make money out of thrown away, discarded or used items. The best part of this market is that you can get items sometimes pretty new as well.

I have heard people say that if you want to get a ‘Two Wheeler Assembled’ or a ‘Computer Assembled’, then you first make a visit to this market, as you would probably get all required parts at a good price.

The specialty of this market is that it gives us a valuable message that NOTHING IS OBSOLETE!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Friendly Madurai People

Friendly Madurai People
Madurai is known for its cool lifestyle, Comfortable living conditons and most importantlty the Warm People.

Mr. Appas here in this picture is my motivating source. Almost every day,when I go to my office early in the morning I meet with this person who is always in his best smile. He stands lean, with a fragile frame of body.I sometimes wonder that the best dress he wears is his SMILE.

Incidentally Mr. Appas is a Mildly Retared Person, but that does not stop him any way from being friendly to people. He seems to some how project the warmness of the people of Madurai vert effectively without much strain or an extra sffort with his Smile, which ofcourse, is Contagious!!!

Snap Shots of Madurai

Gandhi Museum
A Notable Place in of the City of Madurai is the ‘Gandhi Museum’, which houses some of the personal articles that was used by the Mahatma himself during his life time that now stands as valuable historical treasures. One gets to experience the calmness inside this Historical Building spread on 13 acres of land called the Tamukkam Palace of Rani Mangammal of Nayak Dynasty which was built around 1670 AD.

  • It is the very First of its kind among the Seven similar museums in India. It was inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 15th April 1959.

  • 14 Articles personally uses by Mahatma Gandhi, including the ‘Dothi’ that he used on the day of his assassination are displayed here for the visitors.

  • There are 20,000 Volumes in the Library. Thousands of Photostat Copies of Letters of Mahatma Gandhi and 62 reels of Micro Films of important events are preserved at this Museum.

  • Important People like Martin Luther King Junior, Dalai Lama and King Virendhra have Visited this Museum

Madurai City is a vital place in the Life History of Gandhi as he not only Visited Madurai on Five Occasions between 1919 and 1946. He ensured that People from the Low castes enter the Hindu Temples and most importantly he took the famous decision of ‘Not wearing a Shirt’ only at Madurai.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Madurai Diary

Madurai - The Traditional 'Temple City', as it is often called is now climbing up the ladder to being converted into a Developed City, with much focus on the Metro Lifestyle.

The City which is in a transition phase, cannot leave behind its historical past, nor can it take up the new look instantly.

Through this Blog on 'Madurai Diary' - I will throw light on the aspects that attracts attention of the people from all walks of life.

Wishing You all the Very Best

Nicholas Francis